The Center: Natural Health Specialists, 8404 Six Forks Road, Suite 201, Raleigh, NC 27615
Telemedicine is available!
Don’t live in North Carolina?
Don't want to leave the house due to the COVID-19 Virus?
No problem.
Now you can consult with us wherever you are.
You can get the help you need regardless of where you are.
Distance or the COVID-19 virus won't stop me from completely learning about your current signs, symptoms, and state of health! We have so many great treatment options that don't require us to meet face to face. With telemedicine, you will receive your own comprehensive holistic health plan designed to get you feeling better and achieving your health care goals one step at a time
You will understand why your health is the way it is now and what you can do about it now to change it all.
As we work together you will receive the following:
A clear step by step plan that empowers you with the information you need to begin feeling better as you become balanced.
Your own individualized nutritional supplement program with product recommendations that you can trust to be effective, safe, the highest quality, and what you actually need at the time.
You may receive granulated Traditional Chinese medicinal herbal prescriptions depending on your needs.
Dietary guidelines based on your individual needs and wants which will aid your body in health and healing.
Suggested lifestyle changes to support a healthy body and peaceful mind.
The support and guidance to make these goals a reality.
We will do this in three steps.
Step 1- Learning about you
Our initial consultation will be approximately 1.5 hours. Before we meet online (via Skype, Zoom, or telephone if necessary), I will review your initial information, current medications and nutritional supplements, diet, and any previous lab work. During your holistic health consultation, we will discuss in great detail every aspect of your health and review every system both- mentally and physically. The more I understand you, the more I will understand how to help you. At this time, we will then schedule a time in the near future to review your recommended treatment plan and discuss a plan to create the changes you desire. (Please allow up to 1.5 hours in duration)
At times, additional and updated blood chemistry or other testing may be requested. Again, distance is no problem. Some test can be easily done in your home while others will require a blood draw from a licensed phlebotomist. Tests will either be sent to you or you will be guided to one of the many labs we have partnered with throughout the country. Read more on Functional Lab Testing.
Step 2- Your Recommended Treatment Plan
You will receive a personal wellness plan which provides you with an explanation of your current state of health and the suggested action steps to help you achieve your goals. I will do my best to articulate to you what is out of balance giving rise to various symptoms, why these are occurring and how we can change these. You will be empowered with the understanding of why you are now experiencing the current symptoms and a detailed plan to change it all.
You will receive detailed information which outlines the following:
Information on your current diagnosis
Customized nutritional supplement program
Traditional Chinese herbal prescriptions
Dietary changes
Lifestyle modifications
Supporting handouts and information when available
You will receive guidance on practical steps to help you begin to change your life into the life you desire.
(Please allow up to 1 hour in duration)
Step 3- Take Action
Begin your path to health by following your individual action plan. To support your health, you may receive the highest quality nutritional supplements and traditional Chinese herbal medicinal prescriptions which are shipped right to your door.
Step 4- Follow up
Based on your needs, we will schedule follow up consultations. We will:
Review your progress
Answer any new questions
Make nutritional supplement and/or herbal prescription modifications
Modify our treatment plan as needed
Determine subsequent support and follow up as needed

Geography is no longer a barrier for you to receive excellent comprehensive holistic medicine.